Dental Bridges Restore Your Smile
A dental bridge is a set of teeth that, as the name aptly implies, creates a bridge over the space where a tooth is missing in the mouth. With a traditional dental bridge, a false tooth (also known as a “pontic”) is attached on each side to a dental crown that is secured to the adjacent teeth (called an “abutment”), or they can be attached to a dental implant if there is no healthy tooth available.
Do You Need a Dental Bridge?
The main reason you would need to get a dental bridge is if you have one or more missing teeth in your mouth. Leaving gaps between teeth unfilled can lead to shifting of the surrounding teeth, diminished chewing and speaking ability, and other problems, it is important to replace missing teeth as soon as possible.
Dental bridges restore the look of your smile by replacing the missing tooth with one that can look as natural as the original. In addition to the aesthetic benefits brought about by dental bridges, the dental procedure can also restore or maintain proper chewing, biting and speaking and can maintain the proper form for your bite and proper shape of your face.